Datum | Sprecher(in) | Titel | Zeit | Ort |
15.11.2021 |
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Danon,
Norwegian university of science and technology (eingeladen von Prof. Lupton) |
Decoherence-free singlet-only spin qubits
--- Hybrid-Kolloquium --- |
16:00 | H34 |
22.11.2021 |
Prof. Dr. Hugues Pothier,
Research Group in Quantum Electronics, CEA-Saclay (eingeladen von Prof. Strunk) |
Trapping quasiparticles between superconductors
--- ZOOM-Kolloquium gemeinsam mit dem SFB1277 --- |
16:00 | online |
29.11.2021 |
Dr. Viola Priesemann,
MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen (eingeladen von Prof. Evers) |
Spreading dynamics: from neural information flow to COVID-19
--- ZOOM-Kolloquium --- |
16:00 | online |
13.12.2021 |
Dr. Marine Bonazzola,
LMD/CNRS/Sorbonne Universite Paris (eingeladen von Prof. Lupton) |
About climate change
--- Hybrid-Kolloquium --- |
16:00 | H34 |
17.01.2022 |
Prof. Dr. Harry Hoster,
Universität Duisburg-Essen (eingeladen von Prof. Gießibl) |
The macro and the micro world of batteries and fuel cells
--- Hybrid-Kolloquium --- |
17:15 | H34 |
24.01.2022 |
Prof. Dr. Esko I. Kauppinen,
Aalto University (eingeladen von PD Dr. Hüttel) |
Floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition synthesis of carbon nanotubes for electronics applications
--- ZOOM-Kolloquium --- |
16:00 | online |
31.01.2022 |
Dr. Eddy Collin,
Institut Néel, Grenoble (eingeladen von PD Dr. Hüttel) |
A macroscopic object passively cooled into its quantum ground state of motion
--- ZOOM-Kolloquium - weitere Infos hier --- |
16:00 | online |