
Physikalisches Kolloquium – Weekly colloquia WS15/16

Zusammengestellt von Prof. Bali; Web-Bearbeitung: Rudolf Holzer; Stand 27.07.24
WS24/25, SS24, WS23/24, SS23, WS22/23, SS22, WS21/22, SS21, WS20/21, SS20, WS19/20, SS19,
WS18/19, SS18, WS17/18, SS17, WS16/17, SS16, WS15/16, SS15, WS14/15, SS14, WS13/14, SS13
Datum Sprecher(in) Titel Zeit Ort
12.10.2015 PD Dr. Christian Hoelbling,
Institut für theoretische Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
(eingeladen von Prof. T. Wettig)
The proton-neutron mass difference and the stability of ordinary matter (pdf) 16:00 H34
19.10.2015 Prof. Dr. Heiko B. Weber,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
(eingeladen von Prof. F. Evers)
Graphene double layers, stacking faults and their surprising consequences on charge transport (pdf) 16:00 H34
26.10.2015 Prof. Rajiv V. Gavai,
Tata Institute, Mumbai, INDIA
(eingeladen von Prof. G. Bali)
QCD Critical Point: An Exciting Odyssey in the Femto-World (pdf) 16:00 H34
02.11.2015 --- Sorry, the colloquium does not take place today. --- 16:00 H34
09.11.2015 Prof. Dr. F. Sannino,
(eingeladen von Prof. T. Wettig)
Rethinking Fundamental Interactions after the Higgs Discovery (pdf) 16:00 H34
16.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Markus Gühr,
Universität Potsdam and Stanford University
(eingeladen von Prof. J. Repp)
Probing light induced molecular dynamics with high photon energies (pdf) 16:00 H34
23.11.2015 Dr. Markus Elsing,
(eingeladen von Prof. G. Bali)
LHC Software and Computing - Enabling the LHC Physics Program (pdf) 16:00 H34
30.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Stefan Haacke,
Université de Strasbourg
(eingeladen von Prof. J. Lupton)
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Donor-Acceptor Oligomers for Photo-voltaic Applications (pdf)
--- Please note: unusual time and location!
In cooperation with the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
17:15 H46
07.12.2015 Prof. Dr. Joachim Mayer,
RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich
(eingeladen von Prof. J. Zweck)
From Nano to PICO – the next generation of Aberration Corrected TEMs (pdf) 16:00 H34
14.12.2015 Prof. Dr. David Haviland,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
(eingeladen von Prof. Ch. Strunk)
The classical and quantum nature of flux and charge in Josephson junction arrays (pdf) 16:00 H34
21.12.2015 Prof. Dr. Massimo D'Elia,
Pisa Universiy
(eingeladen von Prof. G. Bali)
--- We are very sorry that this talk needs to be cancelled on short notice. ---
16:00 H34
11.01.2016 Prof. Dr. Harald Brune,
ICMP, EPFL Lausanne
(eingeladen von Prof. F. Gießibl)
Reaching the Ultimate Size Limit of a Magnet (pdf) 16:00 H34
18.01.2016 Prof. Dr. John Morton,
University College London
(eingeladen von Prof. J. Lupton)
Spins qubits using donor spins in silicon (pdf) 16:00 H34
25.01.2016 Prof. em. Dr. Wolfgang Gebhardt,
Universität Regensburg
(eingeladen von Prof. G. Bali)
Is General Relativity really a Theory of Relativity? An early Dispute between Erich Kretschmann and Albert Einstein (pdf) 16:00 H34
01.02.2016 Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Evers,
Universität Regensburg
(eingeladen von Dekanat Physik)
Quantum Transport in Molecular Nanostructures (pdf)
--- Antrittsvorlesung ---
16:00 H34

WS12/13, SS12, WS11/12, SS11, WS10/11, SS10, WS09/10, SS09, WS08/09, SS08, WS07/08,
SS07, WS06/07, SS06, WS05/06, SS05, WS04/05, SS04, WS03/04, SS03, WS02/03
Letzte Änderung: 07.05.2024 von Webmaster